Professor Moti Mironi is a mediator, arbitrator and full time academic. Moti Mironi is a Professor of Law at Haifa University and an Adjunct Professor of Law at IDC. Formerly he was a faculty member at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law and Visiting Professor at Cornell, USC, the University of Alberta and Humboldt University Faculty of Law as well as Visiting Researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (Berlin).
Prof. Mironi’s areas of teaching and research include mediation, negotiation, A.D.R., arbitration and labor and employment law. He has published broadly in these fields. Currently he is conducting a large scale comparative „law in action“ research regarding strikes in essential services in fourteen countries funded by the GIF.
Professor Mironi has been involved as a mediator and arbitrator in many international business and sport disputes as well as in major business and nationwide labor and public policy disputes, domesticaly. Among them: a dispute between war widows and the parents of the fallen soldiers, two nationwide doctors strikes in 2000 and in 2011 and the protracted land dispute between the Bedouins tribes (indigenous people) and the Israeli government.
Prof. Mironi serves on the mediation panel of CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport), WIPO, Panel of Distinguished Mediators of the Center for Mediation and Law, Milan Chamber of Commerce, OSCE Mediation and Dialogue Expert Roster and on the arbitration roster of El Al Airlines.
Prof. Mironi was the first president of the Israel’s Mediators Association and served as a co-chair of the Israel Bar Association’s ADR Forum. Presently he serves on the Executive Committee of the IMI Taskforce on Mixed Mode Processes of Dispute Resolution and as a Sustaining Academic Member of the C.P.R. Institute for Dispute Resolution as well as a member of the Labor Law Group.
Auswahl an Publikationen / Selection of Publications:
- Mironi, Mordehai: The promise of mediation in sport-related disputes, International Sports Law Review 16 (2017), 131-154. PDF
- Mironi, Mordehai (Moti): Mediation v. Case Settlement: The Unsettling Relations Between Courts and Mediation – A Case Study, Harvard Negotiation Law Review 19 (2014), 173-212. PDF
Moti (Mordehai) Mironi
Professor of Law, mediator and arbitrator
Haifa University Faculty of Law & APM Law Offices
6 Smutz Ave. Tel Aviv Israel 6200918
Professor Moti Mironi ist Mediator, Schiedsrichter und Vollzeitakademiker. Moti Mironi ist Professor für Recht an der Universität Haifa und Adjunct Professor für Recht am IDC. Zuvor war er Dozent an der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Tel Aviv und Gastprofessor an der Cornell University, USC, der University of Alberta und der Humboldt University Faculty of Law sowie Gastwissenschaftler am Alexander von Humboldt-Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (Berlin).
Prof. Mironis Lehr- und Forschungsgebiete umfassen Mediation, Verhandlung, A.D.R., Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Arbeitsrecht. Er hat auf diesen Gebieten umfassend publiziert. Derzeit führt er eine groß angelegte vergleichende „law in action“-Forschung zu Streiks in wesentlichen Diensten in vierzehn von der GIF finanzierten Ländern durch.
Professor Mironi war als Mediator und Schiedsrichter in vielen internationalen Wirtschafts- und Sportstreitigkeiten sowie in großen geschäftlichen und landesweiten arbeitsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten im Inland tätig. Darunter ein Streit zwischen Kriegswitwen und den Eltern der gefallenen Soldaten, zwei landesweite Ärztestreiks in den Jahren 2000 und 2011 und der langwierige Landstreit zwischen den Beduinenstämmen (indigene Völker) und der israelischen Regierung.
Prof. Mironi ist Mitglied des Mediationsausschusses des CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport), der WIPO, des Panel of Distinguished Mediators des Center for Mediation and Law, der Handelskammer Mailand, des OSCE Mediation and Dialogue Expert Roster und des Schiedsgerichts von El Al Airlines.
Prof. Mironi war der erste Präsident der israelischen Mediatorenvereinigung und Co-Vorsitzende des ADR-Forums der Israel Bar Association. Derzeit ist er Mitglied des Executive Committee der IMI Taskforce on Mixed Mode Processes of Dispute Resolution und als Sustaining Academic Member des C.P.R. Institute for Dispute Resolution sowie Mitglied der Labor Law Group.